Mercy House

Design for year-round nonprofit marketing campaigns. As the Marketing Specialist at Mercy House, I had the opportunity to wear many different hats, one of them was design!

Scroll through to see some of the projects I worked on Mercy House ☟

Popsigns were designed by yours truly

About Mercy House

Mercy House is a nonprofit organization that provides housing support to those experiencing homelessness. As the Marketing Specialist, I had the opportunity to design fundraising campaigns and build a stronger social media presence to help end homelessness.

Year-End Mailer Campaign

Every year, we reach out to our major donors to donate to our cause. Each donor received a segmented mailing insert that gave information about Mercy House’s work based on the region they are located in.

Role | Graphic Designer

Outcomes | $207,000

Annual Report Campaign

This project was a fundraising printed mailer. As the graphic designer, I was a part of the visual design of the product including all graphics and icons.

Role | Graphic Designer

Outcome | Raised $20,000

Christmas Mailer Campaign

I designed a Christmas card to send out to all our donors for a fundraising campaign during the holidays.

Role | Graphic Designer

Outcomes | $10,000

Social Media

I was in charge of creating digital content for all social media platforms for Mercy House. This includes creating graphic designs for infographics, staff highlights, fundraising campaigns etc.


  • Increased following across all digital platforms by an average of 15%

  • Launched Regional Facebook pages for each region that Mercy House is based in

  • Recruited and trained quarterly interns


Power Butter